Thursday, October 24, 2013

Taking Griffentory Part 2: The Results

These are the results of the completed inventory of my Griffey card collection as described here.

Before I give you the final numbers, these were my own guesses:

Total Cards: 6,150
Unique cards: 1,500
Duplicate ratio: 4.1

That’s from years of collecting and organizing this collection, and I was still way off.


1. Total Griffeys Final Count: 6,318

The only one of my guesses that was even close was that of the total card count.  I had just recently done a rough count, so I wasn’t expecting to be far off there.

On the other hand, when it came to the unique Griffey card count I had no clue where we would end up.  I was pretty sure I’d break a thousand, and I frankly would have been excited to break my guess of 1,500.  Here is the result:

2. Unique Griffeys Final Count: 2,442

Yikes.  This blew me away.  So, 6,318 total cards, 2,442 of which are unique. 

3. Duplicate Ratio: 2.59

Yikes again.  That’s far lower than I estimated, especially knowing how many of certain overproduced Griffeys I have.  As would be expected, the ratio was far higher in the over-production era and significantly lower in later years.  I might make a chart.

I was close in my guess of total Griffeys, but way off in the area of unique Griffeys which threw off my dupe ratio.  How did you do?  Here are the results of your guesses (the winners are in bold):

Jason @ The Writer’s Journey
1. 81,000 (+74,682)
2. 50,000 (+47,558)
3. 1.62 (-0.97)
Matt @ Red Cardboard
1. 6,211 (-107)
2. 1,799 (-643)
3. 3.45 (+0.86)
Jeff @ 2x3 Heroes
1. 15,001 (+8,683)
2. 5,313 (+2,871)
3. 4 (+1.41)
Jeff @ One Man’s Junk (Wax)
1. 11,700 (+5,382)
2. 8,000 (+5,558)
3. 1.46 (-1.13)
Nick @ Dime Boxes
1. 9,219 (+2,901)
2. 4,028 (+1,586)
3. 2.19 (-0.40)
The Lost Collector
1. 7,024 (+706)
2. 6,024  (+3,582)
3. 3.24 (+0.65)
Dan @ The Other World
1. 11,000 (+4,682)
2. 5,500 (+3,058)
3. 2 (-0.59)
Spankee @ The Diamond King
1. 6,374 (+56)
2. 1,353 (-1,089)
3. π (+0.55)
Defgav @ Baseball Card Breakdown
1. 5,000 (-1,318)
2. 4,000 (+1,558)
3. 1.25 (-1.34)
Corey @ Tim Wallach
1. 4,500 (-1,818)
2. 1,500 (-942)
3. 3 (+0.41)
1. 6,400 (+82)
2. 1,280 (-1,192)
3. 5 (+2.41)

I would have won no categories.  Nick, Spankee, and Matt, you will all be getting some prizes in the mail.  Thanks for playing.

What's funny/sad is that by the time you read this these numbers already will be out of date.  I'm waiting on an eBay lot with Lord knows what in it that should be in any day now.  Still, we had fun, didn't we?  Go watch the World Series.

Hey, this was my 200th post!


  1. Excellent. Solid collection. I have a few more lying around I need to send your way.

  2. Just realized my math skills are out of date. Drop a zero from my first two guesses. Still way off. LOL

    If I ever get around to organizing my cards, any Griffeys I have in quadruplicate will be yours. (The dupes and trips go to each of my sons).

  3. Wow, I can't believe I was only off by 56 cards. Impressive collection, and congrats on 200 posts!
